Wednesday, December 16, 2009
memberitahu itu elak fitnah
menerangkan pada org adalah salah satu cara mengelakkan fitnah.
arakiannya, andai korg y kt mansurah terserempak saya makan2 ngn sorang (post)budak lelaki then that's my lil brother.
saya dah terangkan, then pasni kalau nak kate tu gewe pun ikut demo las.
biasanya kalau saya terserempak ngn any budak melayu n that budak melayu berada dekat dgn saya then saya akan cakap kt budak tu that i'm with my bro, xkira la bdak melayu lelaki ke perempuan ke, tapi kalau budak tersebut duk jauh dari kami, then xkan la saya nak laung2 panggil die kan or tarik die ke arah kami then suh compare2 muke or passkan die ic kami ke ape ke, kan? lol
Monday, November 30, 2009
nk tulis lagi panjang tp malas. :|
hati manusia sekiranya tidak dipandu dan diasuh dengan ilmu, memang akan terdidik dgn ikutan hawa dan nafsu.
dun believe me.
it's up to u.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
hanya manusia biasa
Sunday, November 8, 2009
kami dah pulang emak buat cucur~
"ya 3am, 9olla3 lisaanak barrah" , "eyh yizayyid 2alam" , "eyh yikhaffif 2alam"
malam cam penat, buang masa buat itu ini, sekejap saje masa berlalu. tup2 dah kul 12. tup2 esok dah nk g kelas balik. tup2 esok dah jumaat, which is the only holiday! and tup2 esok dah sabtu!kene g kelas baliK!
tension pun ada pasal belum pun sempat nk menghabiskan bace the current topics, dah datang another topics. esok g hospital terpinga2, eh sign of that, that ECG reading indicates what, in that case need to examine patient with certain particular signs etc. ah doomed!
doakan kami!
personality type A- always in hurry
personality type B- more relax.
u choose.
p/s: percentage utk blog ini bersawang adalah sebanyak 90%, berdebu 9% dan diterjah masuk 1%. hehe. rasa cam xsabar je mau balik tahun depan.-_-
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Al-fatihah buat toksu aji.
beberapa hari terakhir semasa pulang baru2 ini, mendapat perkhabaran dari tanah suci bahawa toksu aji dimasukkan ke hospital kerna pendarahan dalam perut. details sakitnya tidak pula diketahui. dan beberapa hari selepas kembali ke bumi Egypt, saya mendapat perkhabaran daripada ayah bahawa toksu aji sudah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 17 Oct, jam 11pagi Msia. anak2 toksu aji y menetap di Msia katenye kembali ke sana utk menjenguk ayahanda mereka, sekiranya mendapat visa.
It's a big loss of him. He's a great man I'd ever known- berusaha utk menghubungkan silaturrahim antara saudara-mara, seringkali menjadi org tgh dan memulihkan hubungan sekiranya terjadi pergaduhan/perselisihan faham antara sesiapa y dikenali, sgt concern dgn perkembangan anak beranak dan saudara mara beliau etc. Seseorang y patut saya jadikan teladan. Dia seringkali memberikan saya wang sekiranya pulang ke tanahair. kali terakhir saya berjumpa beliau xsilap somewhere in 2006 or before. Rupanya sudah lama the moment i last met him. huhu
Nampaknya tidak sempat saya menyahut jemputan toksu haji utk mengunjunginya di sana..
Semoga segala jasa dan budinya semasa di dunia akan dikira sebagai amal soleh y akan menyenangkan kehidupannya di sana, because he deserved it. Al-fatihah.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Isu Sebat : Jawapan UZAR Kepada Tun Dr M
Full response can be read here. Silelah bace sendiri :p
Sebagai kesimpulan kepada beberapa jawapan kepada persoalan yang diutarakan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir.
- DR. M : Tetapi benarkah hukuman ini tepat bagi jenayah minum arak?
Ye, benar, bukti-bukti berkenaan wujudnya hukuman ini bersumberkan hadis-hadis yang sohih.
- DR. M : Apakah ada larangan dalam Islam untuk mengkanunkan undang-undang syariah?
Di dalam Islam, tiada larangan sama sekali, malah digalakkan bagi mencapai keseragaman dalam keputusan hakim.
- DR. M : Jika Kerajaan tidak mengkanunkan undang-undang syariah melalui proses perbahasan dan kelulusan oleh dewan-dewan undangan, atau melalui fatwa oleh ulama-ulama, bolehkah tulisan-tulisan ulama tertentu dijadikan asas hukum mengikut pendapat hakim?
Ini saya tidak pasti, tetapi sepatutnya sesebuah kerajaan negeri bertanggungjawab untuk mengkanunkannya. Namun sebelum ia dikanunkan, pertikaian yang diutarakan memang relevan dalam konteks hukum dunia, namun adalah salah di sisi Islam, kerana semau hukum Islam sepatutnya dikanunkan.
Mahkamah ini pula adalah mahkamah Syariah yang khusus untuk hal ehwal orang Islam dan bukannya mahkamah sivil. Justeru apa ertinya sebuah mahkamah dinamakan ‘SYARIAH' jika keputusan yang berlandaskan hukum Islam juga tidak boleh dilaksanakan.? Jika demikian, tiada erti nama ‘syariah' pada sebuah mahkamah Syariah lagi.
Lebih zalim yang mengkritik tanpa ilmu. Hukuman ini adalah adil atau tidak telah diulas di atas, dan ia juga tertakluk kepada penentuan sama ada hukuman sebat peminum arak adalah hudud atau takzir.
Oleh kerana dirujuk kepada hukum al-Quran dan Hadis nabi, hukuman tersbeut patut dijalankan. Kerna arak terbukti merosakkan umum dan bukan hanya individu terbabit semata-mata. Cuba lihat dan fahami statistik yang disertakan di atas.
Boleh rujuk senarai kitab yang dirujuk di dalam nota kaki artikel ini. Itulah kitab-kitabnya. Jika nak lihat gambar kitabnya, saya sertakan salah sebuah darinya yang amat penting. Semoga dapat membacanya dengan faham. |
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
cakap-cakap daripada orang ramai yang tidak faham mengenai hukum Islam
sebagaimana y Tan Sri nyatakan, mereka yang tidak tahu mengenai hukum Islam janganlah membuat sebarang komen berkaitan isu tersebut. Apabila tidak kita ketahui mengenai sesuatu isu, hendaklah merefer pada mereka di dalam bidang tersebut, lebih2 lagi dalam hal berkaitan agama. Janganlah dibuat hukum sendiri.
let's hear what Tan Sri had to say.
IPOH 25 Ogos - Hukuman enam kali sebatan yang dijatuhkan terhadap Kartika Sari Dewi kerana kesalahan meminum arak langsung tidak akan mengancam nyawa atau memudaratkan kesihatannya.
Sebaliknya Mufti Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria berkata, hukuman tersebut lebih kepada pengajaran kepada umat Islam supaya tidak melakukan kesalahan yang sama.
Katanya, ia tidak sama dengan sebatan di penjara kerana orang yang melaksanakan hukuman sebatan itu ketiak pun tidak boleh terbuka dan pesalah mesti berpakaian.
"Sebatan di penjara lain, tidak sama dengan sebatan ini. Sebatan dari segi syarak, ketiak pun tidak boleh terbuka. Pesalah akan disebat di belakang, tetapi masih memakai baju.
"Hukuman akan dijalankan serentak enam sebatan, tetapi tidak akan calar sedikit pun. Cuma akan berbekas merah, itu pun jika pesalah terbabit berkulit putih," katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Beliau diminta mengulas mengenai kontroversi isu sebat terhadap Kartika Sari Dewi yang sepatutnya berlangsung minggu ini tetapi ditangguhkan.
Kartika Sari Dewi yang dijatuhkan hukuman enam sebatan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Kuantan sepatutnya menjalani hukuman tersebut semalam.
Namun hukuman itu itu ditangguhkan sebagai menghormati bulan Ramadan.
Sehubungan itu, Harussani berharap agar mereka yang tidak tahu mengenai hukum Islam agar tidak membuat sebarang komen berkaitan isu tersebut.
"Media asing pun saya harap tidak campur tangan dalam hukum dan undang-undang Islam," katanya.
Beliau juga meminta orang ramai supaya tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi mengenai hukuman sebat itu.
Tegas beliau, cakap-cakap daripada orang ramai yang tidak faham mengenai hukum Islam hanya akan mengeruhkan keadaan dan boleh menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati pihak terbabit.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Maybe it's time to correct the textbooks
The body's appendix has long been thought of as nothing more than a worthless evolutionary artifact, good for nothing save a potentially lethal case of inflammation.
Now researchers suggest the appendic is a lot more than a useless remnant. Not only was it recently proposed to actually possess a critical function, but scientists now find it appears in nature a lot more often than before thought. And it's possible some of this organ's ancient uses could be recruited by physicians to help the human body fight disease more effectively.
In a way, the idea that the appendix is an organ whose time has passed has itself become a concept whose time is over.
"Maybe it's time to correct the textbooks," said researcher William Parker, an immunologist at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C. "Many biology texts today still refer to the appendix as a 'vestigial organ.'"
Slimy sac
The vermiform appendix is a slimy dead-end sac that hangs between the small and large intestines. No less than Charles Darwin first suggested that the appendix was a vestigial organ from an ancestor that ate leaves, theorizing that it was the evolutionary remains of a larger structure, called a cecum, which once was used by now-extinct predecessors for digesting food.
"Everybody likely knows at least one person who had to get their appendix taken out - slightly more than 1 in 20 people do - and they see there are no ill effects, and this suggests that you don't need it," Parker said.
However, Parker and his colleagues recently suggested that the appendix still served as a vital safehouse where good bacteria could lie in wait until they were needed to repopulate the gut after a nasty case of diarrhea. Past studies had also found the appendix can help make, direct and train white blood cells.
Now, in the first investigation of the appendix over the ages, Parker explained they discovered that it has been around much longer than anyone had suspected, hinting that it plays a critical function.
"The appendix has been around for at least 80 million years, much longer than we would estimate if Darwin's ideas about the appendix were correct," Parker said.
Moreover, the appendix appears in nature much more often than previously acknowledged. It has evolved at least twice, once among Australian marsupials such as the wombat and another time among rats, lemmings, meadow voles, Cape dune mole-rats and other rodents, as well as humans and certain primates.
"When species are divided into groups called 'families,' we find that more than 70 percent of all primate and rodent groups contain species with an appendix," Parker said.
Several living species, including several lemurs, certain rodents and the scaly-tailed flying squirrel, still have an appendix attached to a large cecum, which is used in digestion. Darwin had thought appendices appeared in only a small handful of animals.
"We're not saying that Darwin's idea of evolution is wrong - that would be absurd, as we're using his ideas on evolution to do this work," Parker told LiveScience. "It's just that Darwin simply didn't have the information we have now."
He added, "If Darwin had been aware of the species that have an appendix attached to a large cecum, and if he had known about the widespread nature of the appendix, he probably would not have thought of the appendix as a vestige of evolution."
What causes appendicitis?
Darwin was also not aware that appendicitis, or a potentially deadly inflammation of the appendix, is not due to a faulty appendix, but rather to cultural changes associated with industrialized society and improved sanitation, Parker said.
"Those changes left our immune systems with too little work and too much time their hands - a recipe for trouble," he said. "Darwin had no way of knowing that the function of the appendix could be rendered obsolete by cultural changes that included widespread use of sewer systems and clean drinking water."
Now that scientists are uncovering the normal function of the appendix, Parker notes a critical question to ask is whether anything can be done to prevent appendicitis. He suggests it might be possible to devise ways to incite our immune systems today in much the same manner that they were challenged back in the Stone Age.
"If modern medicine could figure out a way to do that, we would see far fewer cases of allergies, autoimmune disease, and appendicitis," Parker said.
The scientists detailed their findings online August 12 in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
bulan Ramadhan bulan yang mulia~
oh, sy rasa sy sgt suke berada di Egypt semasa Ramadhan. menjelang Ramadhan, mereka arab2 memasang2 lil banner written "Ramadhan syahrul birri wal ehsan' [Ramadhan bulan kebaikan dan kemuliaan], mereka juge memasang tanglung berupa pelita(ke ape bende tah) sebagai menaikkan seri ambience di bulan Ramadhan.
pada jam 12am dan lebih, org2 tertentu akan memukul gendang, mengejutkan masyarakat utk bersahur..tung!tang!tung!tang! semasa di bulan Sya3ban, mereka telah pun look forward to celebrate Ramadhan, menampal2 ayat2 yang mewelcome Ramadhan... apa y dihighlightkan adalah meimarahkan Ramadhan itu sendiri. kalau di Msia, seingat saya, apa y dihighlightkan adalah lauk pauk, kuihmuih beraneka jenis utk dibuat berbuka puasa, baju raya, duit raya, iklan air Soy, etc
Egypt: ahlan ya Ramadhan, Ramadhan bulan kebaikan, Ramadhan bulan kebaikan..
Msia: mari adik mari kakak.. kuih muih cantik cun sedap beraneka rasa beraneka warna..
oh, ini entry sempena Ramadhan 2007 =)
p/s: ingin mengambil gmbar suasana di sini semasa Ramadhan tp malangnya, kamera rosak.. =( ade sape2 nk sponsor slr? >:)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
sedikit maklumat mengenai H1N1 yang diambil daripada lama web CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) USA, :
- H1N1 adalah virus baru selesema, sebelum ini dikenali juga sebagai swine flu atau selesema babi kerana kajian makmal mendapati banyak gen di dalam virus ini menyamai virus selesema yang biasa terjadi pada babi2 di Utara Amerika. Namun kajian lanjut mendapati ia tidak sama,malah mempunyai 2genes daripada selesema y terjadi pada babi di Eropah dan Asia, juga daripada burung dan manusia.
- virus H1N1 merebak dengan cara y sama merebaknya selesema biasa- daripada pesakit yang batuk dan bersin, dan juga boleh merebak dgn tersentuh pada permukaan y mengandungi virus lalu didekatkan ke mulut atau hidung.
- Tanda2 dan simptom:
- demam
- batuk
- sakit tekak
- hidung berair atau tersumbat
- sakit badan
- sakit kepala
- seram sejuk
- letih2
- muntah2 dan cirit birit
- sakit2 teruk dan kematian akan berlaku kesan daripada tanda2 jangkitan tersebut.
- kaitan virus & komplikasi teruk
Prevention & Treatment
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
- Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
- If you are sick with flu-like illness, it's recommended that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities.
pakcik! tutup mulut dan hidung semasa bersin!
kalau demam duk diam2 kt rumah ye!
basuh tangan bersih2!
kalau xsehat duduk je kt rumah diam2 ok! :P
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
i love u forever :)
"Amin ni: cik pah2 sebelum balik buy kurma with chocolate and kit kat gano pandai deh ore puteh mano ni heh i love u forever"
kelaka + terharu plak rasanya. :P amin itu darjahnya 4, mungkin. cikpah lupe lak haha sorry amin
Thursday, July 30, 2009
ini adalah entry org yang cube utk tidur, namun tidak berjaya lalu membangkitkan diri membuat sesuatu y mampu menghasilkan tidur selepas ini.
dan, of course la ini bukan entry mengenai diri sendiri.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
bahasa Mandarin d Maahad
i shud ask kakngah to enroll into Maahad then k.ngah ajar cikpah wokey?keh3
Saturday, July 18, 2009
retrieve back your files from the corrupted disk
download dari SINI. bile dah install software ni, die akan create its own file. pilih icon shown below for the recovery process.
8. come to this part, all those files available in your disk will be listed down.
press Y letter to allow the recovery process. Chosen item will be saved into the software file.
9. while recovery process is in progress, dun interrupt by pressing any keys,
as the red notification denotes "copying, please wait"
so just tunggu sampai process men'copying' abeh.
later bile dah abeh die akan kuar tulisan kaler ijau, written process complete ke ape tah.
then repeat sampai sume files dah direcover.
ha, selamat berbahagia getting all your files back! ^^
Friday, July 17, 2009
tag adeh
1. Nama-nama timangan anda?
-pipah(sedara, kwn2, bla2)
-cikpah (anak2 buah)
-pah (kwn2, sedara2,
-poh (abg2 panggil mase kecik2 comel dulu..haha nostalgia sunggoh)
- fifah
- ifah
-afefefefe (logeswari a/p ananda krishnan a.k.a loges! u started this ! :)) )
Anda seorang yang??
- - makan kene ikut jadual otherwise gastric
- - akan bebel kt diri sendiri kalau xpuas ati
- - xreti nk marah org?
- - degil
- - Tak kesah ngn ape org kate kt die as long as she finds things ok
- - dun mind about fashion, i wear wat i like n confortable with
- - bukanlah talkative sgt
- - byk main n gelak, i think i shud do somthg with both
3. Insan yang teristimewa??
- oh, mesti la family lalu merangkumii semua anak beranak dan y sewaktu dengannya
4. Lagu kesukaan anda??
- - mase sekolah suke lagu2 westlife especially soledad
- - breathless -Shayne Ward
- - flowerpot – alex oppa
- - padaMu kubersujud – Afghan
- - hero – M carey
- - love me tender
actually i dun mind much about songs, layan sajor :P
5. Makanan kesukaan anda??
- nasik ayaM!
- seafoods!
- roti jala ngn kuzi! wuuuuu~
- makanan2 y sedap! wee
6. Sikap yg membuatkan anda Stress??
- orang y hot temper
- kasik keje kt saya y mbuatkan jadual sy clash (mcm le sibuk sgt )
- org y xleh nk tolerate ngn org lain
7. 3 benda yang mesti ade dalam Beg anda?
- - telepon
- - balm
- - duit
Wwarna kesukaan anda??
-light purple or any tone of purple
- putih!
- pastel colour
9. Kali terakhir anda menangis dan mengapa??
- hmm beberapa mggu lepas, sbb rindu kt umah kot (kot?!) ni justvoip punye pasal le ni, salu ade prob. kene repot kt tokey justvoip neh! (hope la die bace ni then baik hati sgt lalu dpt claim justvoip baru pasal 1euro ilang just to say hello??hello??!!! but they didnt hear me! sakit ati x? rs cam org utan pun ada duk menjerit2 aje
10. TAG 6 Rakan anda...
-miriam azizi-ain amirah
-husna aisyah
-zati zayawi
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
soklan sem 6
so those concern may download the collection of questions HERE. included are mcq questions and bedside clinical OSCE. for the written question its not included since the paper can be taken away, so u might get it from the seniors. hope this help those concern some way.
p/s: the document is in microsoft word 2007 application.
Friday, July 3, 2009
meh la join~
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
sorry anas. :'(
al-Fatihah buat Anas Hakimi bin Wan Umar..
i have never thought that what i've been afraid of since the day Anas was moved to ICU, eventually turn into a reality one..for all those suffering moments u had in the previous attacks your ummi told me, sometimes I cant help thinking of the worse condition u might deal with..3-4months hospitalization u used to go tru is enough to tell how much u suffer, not to mention all those interventions made up through your body..and I know how much your ummi hurts seeing u that way
never thought that when I'm coming back home this coming september I'll never meet u again.. the moment ayah cik texted me, i just couldnt believe what my naked eyes were seeing..the worst thing that I would never wish to happen, and it even sickened me for couldnt be around together with everyone for u the last few days..i hate it.
doakan cikpah nak exam..cikpah akan doa byk2 utk anas..cikpah tahu Allah sayangkan Anas thats why Dia amek Anas balik not allowing u to suffer much more..i'm gonna miss u..cikpah sayang semua :'(
The Gorham-Stout syndrome (Gorham’s massive osteolysis)
Gorham’s disease is a rare disorder characterized by proliferation of vascular channels that results in destruction and resorption of osseous matrix. Since the initial description of the disease by Gorham and colleagues (1954) and by Gorham and Stout (1955), fifty years have elapsed but still the precise etiology of Gorham’s disease remains poorly understood and largely unknown. There is no evidence of a malignant, neuropathic, or infectious component involved in the causation of this disorder. The mechanism of bone resorption is unclear.
The clinical presentation of Gorham’s disease is variable and depends on the site of involvement. It often takes many months or years before the offending lesion is correctly diagnosed. A high index of clinical suspicion is needed to arrive at an early, accurate diagnosis. Patients with Gorham’s disease may complain of dull aching pain or insidious onset of progressive weakness. In some cases, pathologic fracture often leads to its discovery. Gorham’s disease is progressive in most patients; however, in some cases, the disease process is self-limiting. The clinical course is generally protracted but rarely fatal, with eventual stabilization of the affected bone being the most common sequelae. Chylous pericardial and pleural effusions may occur due to mediastinal extension of the disease process from the involved vertebra, scapula, rib or sternum, and can be life threatening. A high morbidity and mortality is seen in patients with spinal and/or visceral involvement.
Classification of idiopathic osteolysis according to Hardegger et al
1. Hereditary multicentric osteolysis with dominant transmission - Between the age of two and seven years, spontaneous pain and swelling begin in the hands and feet. Carpotarsal osteolysis occurs over the period of a few years. Progression ceases normally in adolescence.
2. Hereditary multicentric osteolysis with recessive transmission- Similar to type 1, but may be associated with severe generalised osteoporosis.
3. Non-hereditary multicentric osteolysis with nephropathy- Appears in childhood. There is a gradual disappearance of the carpus with the tarsal bones involved, but to a less degree, and an association with proteinuria. Death occurs usually due to renal failure and malignant hypertension.
4. Gorham's massive osteolysis (Gorham-Stout syndrome) - Monocentric occurrence in any part of the skeleton may start at any age. Normally ‘haemangiomatous tissue’ is found in the osteolytic region. It has neither a hereditary pattern nor an associated nephropathy. The disease is benign and the osteolysis usually stops after a few years.
5. Winchester syndrome Autosomal recessive transmission- Rare childhood carpotarsal osteolysis inassociation with contractures, shortness of stature, skin lesions, corneal clouding and osteoporosis without nephropathy.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
sayu sebuah kehilangan
kami menerima berita accident tersebut pada malam hari kejadian dan seriously sgt mengejutkan kami memandangkan kami sempat mengenali Allahyarham Ammar semasa mengikuti jaulah. orang nya baik pertuturan, tinggi budi bahasa.
sejurus menunaikan 2rakaat solat sunat dan membacakan Yaasin pada malam semalam, sebak rasanya bila sampai pada 2 ayat terakhir surah Yaasin. setinggi tasbih buatNya y memiliki segala alam ini, dan kepadaNya akan segalanya dikembalikan. dan Dia telah membuktikan bahawa segala kejadian adalah dibawah qudrat dan iradah Nya.. apabila dikehendaki sesuatu perkara utk berlaku, maka adalah terus terjadi sesuatu itu kerna kehendakNya.
semoga Allah memelihara 4 org lagi sahabat2 y terlibat dalam kemalangan tersebut, terutamanya buat saudara Saif yang khabarannya trauma teruk memandangkan die y memandu, & Allahyarham menghembuskan nafas terakhir di pangkuannya..dek kerna trauma Saif masih belum menjamah sebarang makanan semenjak kejadian., semoga mereka dapat menerima bahawa semua ini berlaku atas kehendaknya..
p/s: al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Muhammad Ammar bin Zulkifli
sedikit penerangan about their current condition di sini
Monday, June 8, 2009
xreti pasang canula? xreti amek darah?
utk ahli PERUBATAN y belum subscribe to the mailing list, please do so here
1.sila buat syahadah dalam bahasa inggeris di university masing-masing yang menunjukkan kita pelajar perubatan di syuun tulab u masing-masing( syuun tulab ada syahadah bahasa inggeris, cuma perlu minta).
2.sila buka website hospital-hospital yang berminat untuk apply attachment atau elective, dan apply online , sertakan syahadah tadi yang telah discan, atau apply directly di bahagian pengurusan hospital berkenaan, ada hospital free ada hospital kenakan bayaran, tapi perlu apply cepat-cepat sebab kalau HUKL tu, berebut tempat ngan budak rusia, uk, bla bla bla untuk buat attachment, kalau ramai sangat dia tak terima. pastikan tahu nak buat attachment di department mana, dan berapa lama, rujuk bahagian pengurusan hospital berkenaan pelajar perubatan di malaysia memang telah dibiasakan buat kerja-kerja practikal , dan hospital di malaysia memang dah anggap kalau dah H.O tu maknanya dah tahu buat kerja, tetapi pelajar perubatan luar negara hampir kesemuanya practikal insufficiency , sebab tu sakit sikit waktu masuk H.O nanti, kalau tanya abg2 yang dah masuk H.0 sume kata relax je, kalau akak2 lak sume suruh belajar betul2 jangan insufficient macam diorang, hakikatnya akak2 dari mesir la yg paling famous kat hospital masing-masing, humble dan zuhud katakan , bagus tul
antara kes-kes yang menimbulkan kontroversi tentang system pendidikan di luar negara:
1. h..0 ambil darah pun tak reti, pasang canula pun x tau,kerja2 basic ni la
2. present history kat M.O pun tak tahu(memang ada negara yang history pun tak belajar cara nk present)
3.basic surgery skill tak ada e.g. suture
dan macam-macam lagi, ramai yang digagalkan h.O tahun nih dan terpaksa menambah tahun sebagai h.o
kita di mesir benda2 asas H.O ni belajar waktu clinical dan H.O di sini, tetapi sume pelajar medic balik malaysia lepas tahun 6(kecuali kak battah) maka kesemua skill H.O tu memang tak cukup. Maka atas daya usaha sendirilah untuk memenuhi knowledge and skill gap masing-masing. orang lain tak dapat nak tolong.
antara sillibus yang disarankan oleh MMC(sila salin)(sama jer ngan sillibus cairo U ngan ain syams, u lain tak tahu, sila rujuk)
1. Infection control
- a.blood borne pathogen and standar precaution
- b.hygenic hand washing
- c.surgical hand washing
- IV injection and venous blood sampling
- IM and SC injection
- IV cannula
- Arterial Blood sampling
- Urinary catheterization
- Nasogastric tube
- Sangestaken- Blakemore tube
- Oropharyngeal tube
- Endotracheal tube
- CPR(sequences, drugs, technique, equipments)
- instrument
- Local anasthesia L.A
- suture materials
- needles
- knot-tying principles
- skin edge eversion
- simple interrupted suture
- vertical mattress suture
- horizontal mattress suture
- halving technique
- running cutaneous suture
- runing subcutaneous suture
- running intradermal suture
- buried subcutaneous suture
- wound dresssing
- suture removal
- history,gynecologic al and obstetric exam
- antenatal care
- drugs to be aboided in pregnancy and lactation
- emergency reception room
- diagnosis in obstetric
- cases of emergency room
- labour room
- management of labour(sume stages)
- episiotomy
- shoulder dystocia
- post partum hemorrhage
- cesarian section
- contraception
- infertility
- post concussion
- polytrauma
- acute abdomen
hampir kesemuanya dah belajar waktu clinical cuma sillibus2 yg kurang penting ajer yg x diajar, suruh belajar sendiri, tapi kebanyakan h.0 yg sillibus kurang penting tu la yg tak tau, mana nurse tak bengis kat hospital, sume nk suruh dia ajarkan
kalau kat mesir ni cara sunat(circumcicion) diajar convensional method, kalau kat malaysia guna smart clamp tuh, banyak lagi la clamp dia, sangat mudah, suma bila complicated baru guna cara convensional balik, so update ur skill, sunathon tu p buat ramai-ramai, ramai pelajar medic cairo university dan alex yang tahu sunat orang tahun lepas, so belajar ngan diorang,
tolong start elective ni sejak tahun SATU, jangan balik bercuti kat malaysia makan tidur ajer, by the end of 6 years sume sillibus dah tahu buat, cuma tajamkan skill jer buat dengan cepat dan tepat sume prosedur-prosedur tuh
untuk sesiapa yg tak balik malaysia, contact senior yang x balik, menempel kat hospital dengan diorang, lain u lain prosedur, kalau lebih berani lagi, redah ajer hospital tuh, introduce diri,tanya boleh belajar apa2 tak di wad nih, tanya dr yang boleh bantu, jaga sopan sikit, jangan kerek waktu elective, doctor sume busy, kalau kerek alamatnya kena marah ajerla, kita nk belajar, apa yg dimarah tuh ingat, sabar nk jangan putus asa untuk cuba dengan lebih baik, pelajar perempuan cairo u tolong tanya akak-akak,saya bertugas kat labor room ngan internal medicine cuti nih, tapi dh ramai adik2 lelaki yg nak menempel, so yg akhawat sila menempel ngan akak2 pulak yer,
tip1. jangan berharap ada kawan nk buat sama baru nk buat attachment, kalau mcm tuh, dh hbs tahun 6 pun belum tentu buat lagi, x caya p tanya senior2, nak belajar, buat cara belajar, kalau xde kawan nk ikut, p blajar sesorang, niat ikhlas dan betul, insyaallah allah tolong, sy dulu main redah jer hospital kat mesir ni, lagi la bahasa arab, allah bantu, ramai jer doctor excited nak ajar,alhamdulillah
tip 2. senyum sentiasa, lebih2 lagi dalam O.T sebab operation ni sume org stress so kalau senyum at least hilang stress dr yg ajar tuh, dan dia pun lebih bermurah hati nk terang apa yg dia tgh buat waktu surgery tuh
tip 3. serius dengan ilmu, kalau dah tgk cases ata surgery tu, balik rumah trus buka buku kalau ada, atau buka internet baca skit2, baru ingat sampai akhir hayat
tip 4. jangan limitkan ilmu i.e jangan letak barrier dalam ilmu pengetahuan, pendek kata, jangan sesekali cakap, ni sillibus tahun 6, tunggu tahun 6 baru belajar, ni salah, the more u know, the wiser u'll be, learn anything u can, kalau x paham sekarang at least masa akan dtg u all akan paham sebab dah ada general idea, there is no limit to knowledge, org yg letak limit kat knowledge ni org "berotak sempit" -ramai lak tuh
tip 5. bawa gula-gula ke, belon ke, snack ke, kalau p wad paediatric, sangat memudahkan kerja
harap info ni dapat membantu,
faizal azmi
cairo university
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Cuti summer makin menghampiri, dan seperti biasa akan timbul krisis2 harga rumah; harga rumah dinaikkan lantaran trend tuan2 rumah membanding2kan harga sewa antara mereka. “your rent is so and so, then I shud make mine equal to yours or plus minus about that price’. And our baba, eventhough claiming that he treated us in a fatherly way and yes we do agree but still that shudnt be a reason for him to rise the rent up.
The exam format for first year students in conventional system as being claimed is different from the previous years. No more MCQ isn’t it? I supposed that’s gonna be quite tough for them.
The juniors in MMMP are currently having their exam in these few days and most of the responses regardless from sem5, sem2, or else
"susah tp boleh jwb" “dun ask me further” “it’s quite hard” “ ’ “ :((‘ "mabuk la" etc
Dr said brief us about our impending exam on jun 28, telling that it’s gonna be quite tough. :|
“ Allahumma sahhil-lana abwaaba rahmatik “
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Karnival Keluarga dan sebuah pemerhatian
apparently PCM (perubatan cawangan mansurah) has done a lot for its members with all those programmes throughout the years. Long list of programmes but still with the same aim- to allow the members know each other and to strengthen the ukhuwah amongst them. many have known how the number of Malaysian students here in Mansurah are a lot that make it no longer possible for u to know every single one of them. u come and encounter one face, another day u gonna meet the other ones, and the day after tomorrow u gonna see a lot more and eventually forget those of the past. " Macam pernah kujumpa muka ini tapi di mana ya?? " i guess all the seniors used to go tru this.
event by event, programme by programme, day by day, all those we had passed through, but sometimes we missed something in between. I can see the same faces to line up as the committees in such attend the meeting and to see familiar faces show up, almost 90%, i'll say " wow " . the reason might be because " o ya, that fella has a lot of experiences, so we shud elect that fella as the committee " nothing goes wrong with that, but still i dun think that's a good phenomenon. new faces shud be emerged so as to allow everyone to have a fair chance mingle around and gain experience dealing with all those stuff. one day sooner or later u gonna come down and thus dealing with society ( the patients etc ) and being active in the persatuan as u may say are of such ways to enhance and polish your skill. u gonna learn a lot, seriously.
1. new fresh faces should be recruited. ajkt2 Karnival y telah dilantik i would suggest to take alot more new faces to help out for the day. u wont lose anything but to gain more in the days to come
2. adik2/kawan2 y jarang pgg any post dalam ape2 programme boleh kasik name kt pengarah : ikram ishak (thun3) or timb : wan nur fariha (thn 2) kalau berminat nk jadi ajk. saya mewakili mereka mengalu2kan permohonan anda semua. bak kata org, besar tapak tangan, satu mesir saya tadahkan! saye serius ni! saya x gurau! betuuulll !!
p/s: sape y design iklan ni ek?? serius lawa! karefuLLL !!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
lalu si anak perempuan terakhir mencoleh memberi komen
" (even) anak2 perempuan tokguru pun seribu je duit hantaran "
si ayah membalas "itulah, kalau orang biasa2 buat seperti itu, maka akan dikomen bermacam2, tapi tokguru buat xpe je ( boleh pulak diterima) "
1. kesederhanaan itu adalah hak milik setiap insan. bukankah sebaik2 perkara adalah dgn bersederhana?
2. pada buah fikiran anak perempuan terakhir itu, instead of terus menolak adat masyarakat itu, tokguru tetap meraikan adat masyarakat akan tetapi dengan serendah2 penerimaan. tokguru membenarkan konsert tetapi diasingkan lelaki & perempuan. jalan y ditengah itu dipilih.
"maka hanya itulah pesanku wahai mambang~" [dialog pendekar bujang lapuk. tiada kena mengena dengan hadis atau ayat suci ]
Friday, May 22, 2009
aduhai sweet girl
"how are you today? from sweet girl, kakngah"
"i get 4B and 1c.cepat cepat la balik dah rindu ni. i nak inai dan yg bulat warna oren. anas masuk hospital pulak. from beautiful girl ! "
" hari khamis. bring camera too. bye! "
dah lupe lak ape reply saya. phone lak x auto saved sent msgs. kakngah skang darjah 6, bersekolah di sekolah rendah her umi and all her uncles and aunts used to attend, lalu seolah2 meneruskan tradisi kami. bahkan adik bradik kakngah pun bersekolah di situ.
the other day,using her ayah cik's phone
" Assalamualaikum, tgh buat ape tu? from sweet girl. "
tahun ni she's gonna have her upsr. that day when i was home,
" cikpah.mai la rumah kakngoh." "nok wat gapo?" "cikpah mop bilik kakngoh!" [beberapa hari sebelum mereka adakan kenduri kesyukuran]
"ma. kakngoh suruh g rumah die mop bilik die " lalu cikpah dan tokma hanya tergelak je
oleh kerna kakngah itu dikelilingi adik bradik lelaki sahaja, maka kami adalah geng. cikpah y sebesar gajah ni diangkatnye mcm pertandingan angkat berat (exaggerate), juge cikpah itu selalu digeletek oleh amin si adiknya kakngah lalu kekekek ketawa bile cikpah menjerit. ah, cikpah mmg selalu dibuli
dulu saya kurang bersetuju dgn pelaksanaan PPSMI itu ( for whatever reasons i had) tapi apabila melihatkan sedikit keterserlahan or keupayaan kakngah berspeaking English, hati menjadi sedikit cair. lalu bersetuju 30% dengan perlaksanaan itu. tapi masih belum bersetuju 100%. dun ask me to fully agree with the scheme. i have my own reasons.
pen off. dissertation is awaiting (mcm le akan buat pasni )
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
semuanya Dia y punya
kenapa harus meninggi diri?
kita hanya manusia y xpunya apa2.. semuanya Dia y punya, ye, Dia y punya..
(bukan ahmad albab y punya..)
Friday, May 15, 2009
experiences of others
You cant live long enough to make them all yourself "
"Learn from the experiences of others,
You cant live long enough to make them all yourself "
life is not all about mistakes, it would rather be about experiences of which mistakes are supposed to constitute them . experiences that might be sort of lucks, good deeds, ups and downs, sadness, happiness, lame, etc.
p/s : moga akak kuat. He knows the best fate for you, yet may Him make things easier for u.
.may it be.
May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh, how far you are from home
Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
May it be shadows call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
A promise lives within you now
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
a day to remember
" afiq tgh buat buat ape? " " afiq tgh makan pauh, ngn alia, awah. cikpah!! minggu depan afiq periksa! "
"cikpah!cikpah balik bile?! " "cikpah balik raya nanti "
" cikpah!! alia ade skolah baru! " "ramai kawan x kt skolah baru? " "ramai! kt skolah baru ramai kawan! kt taska xramai~ "
"cikpah~!! @#$%$%^&*()_ ~!@#$%^& ..." haha tah apebende awah nyanyi xjelas kedengaran, suara lak serak basah,bleh ganti sarah raisudin :P
"syifa 6taun dah. i.t.i.k itik!! "
dan saya tidak mampu utk melenyapkan memori semasa berada dalam round internal medicine, masih terngiang2, masih tergambar2 saat the day where we're being assigned to the ICU, which allocated most of the liver disease patients- hepatic encephalopathy pt made up 2/3 of them. i was assigned to one HE patient, an old man with some disorientation. saya sedikit takut memandangkan patient ini sedikit disoriented & vulnerable ( patient tersebut diikat tangannya pd katil, mulutnya sedikit berbuih, mumble, kulit kuning teruk disebabkan jaundice ) terkadang dia cube utk turun dari katil, saya cuak! lantas memanggil nurse. belum dapat membiasakan diri dengan patient semacam ini.
saya sayu melihat patient ini, terutama apabila dia mengerang dan memanggil beberapa nama. rupa2nya bile diteliti pada report sheets patient tersebut, nama y dipanggil itu adalah anak2 dia,
" hisyam~ nabeela~ hisyam~ " dua nama tersebut sering diulang2.. sayu.hiba. hati cam menangis melihat patient tersebut, kesian sangat. seorang ayah y memanggil nama anak2 utk bersama ketika saat sakitnya, biarpun keadaan pada ketika itu disoriented ( xtau nk translate disorientation dlm BM ape.T_T ) namun masih mampu mengingati bahawa dia masih punya beberapa org anak utk mengharap kasih belas dan perhatian. seumpama anak2 kecil yang menginginkan ibu bapa utk bermanja, begitulah juga orang tua tersebut. lantas xdapat tidak akan teringatkan ibu bapa di rumah. no words to describe how pathetic the condition is when no child is around the moment the parents are in the doomy state.
pengalaman tersebut kdg2 menjelma dalam ingatan, mengingatkan diri dengan bermacam2 bende. semoga Allah memelihara ibu bapa kita dalam sebaik2 keadaan.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Run time error?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
i wanna go home, let me go home
neither a big fan nor ardent follower of harry porter i am
tetibe sy cam jadi minat same literature English after watching William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet some days ago *whoa*
sometimes blogging is like diarrhoea, it's better to pass it all out- more relieving and healing, rather than to bear it or to take anti-diarrhoea which might lead to further infection but to take oral rehydration salt is advisable. =p
Friday, May 8, 2009
real belasungkawa or another hearsay?
and now, another belasungkawa was on the air, that CIkgu Zainon died due to ovarian cancer, thus made me think " is this another lame rumours? " cant believe the news at instance. but the great junior informed that the news was passed by her member in Msia, so hesitately i believed.
cikgu Zainon was our former BM teacher and also guru bilik kokurikulum, the one that i will always encounter when lepak2 kt bilik kurikulum as the editorial room was barely beside the room. so agak selalu lepak2 di situ. cikgu plak jenis otai2, so easily get mixed with her students.huhu
should be there anyone can make a fair clarification please do so. it'll be much welcomed.
either ways pun, many thanks for all the teachers that had taught us all those academics and life stuff. as what Prophet has narrated that benificial knowledges are among those things that will be continously merited.
* the news was true enough. a clarification was made officially in AMAL ygroups. al-Fatihah buat cikgu. cikgu passed away and it's Friday today. :)
am i so speeding in my words? yes! this coming may 12th theres gonna be a mid term exam! wah!! surgery + internal medicine made up those 9 cases! doakan!doakan! sy a lil cuak!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
from India with love
bagi 3ammu(pakcik) ini tidur di atas luggage shelf itu lebih selesa berbanding tidor di atas kerusi train tersebut.
pict courtesy from farhanah fuad y takjub melihat unexpected scenery tersebut
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
"salam 3afifa this can be typhoid or paratyphoid i think u must start bactiflox 500 twice daily and any paracetamol for symptoms and plenty of fluids i hope u will be good insha allah" - dr sameh regal
saya malas utk menulis more about typhoid. sape2 ade davidson medicine boleh bukak mukasurat 324-325, otherwise u might find wiki is the fastest way.xpun google jer
this text with no fullstop reminds me of my mother..bak kata adik sy, mcm tulisan kitab lama bace panjang berjela tiada henti tiada sodaqollahul-adzim