Bala, ujian, dugaan dan kekurangan itu terkadangnya adalah suatu ‘alarm’ untuk kita merenung kembali sejauh mana telah kite mensasarkan diri dari jalanNya, terlupa akan tanggungjawab kita terhadapNya, menunaikan hak2 Dia dari kita, dan kebergantungan kita terhadap Nya selaku pemberi rahmat.
Cuti summer makin menghampiri, dan seperti biasa akan timbul krisis2 harga rumah; harga rumah dinaikkan lantaran trend tuan2 rumah membanding2kan harga sewa antara mereka. “your rent is so and so, then I shud make mine equal to yours or plus minus about that price’. And our baba, eventhough claiming that he treated us in a fatherly way and yes we do agree but still that shudnt be a reason for him to rise the rent up.
The exam format for first year students in conventional system as being claimed is different from the previous years. No more MCQ isn’t it? I supposed that’s gonna be quite tough for them.
The juniors in MMMP are currently having their exam in these few days and most of the responses regardless from sem5, sem2, or else
"susah tp boleh jwb" “dun ask me further” “it’s quite hard” “ ’ “ :((‘ "mabuk la" etc
Dr said brief us about our impending exam on jun 28, telling that it’s gonna be quite tough. :|
“ Allahumma sahhil-lana abwaaba rahmatik “
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