Saturday, December 4, 2010

saya suka mendengar dan membaca benda2 y 'hebat', idealistic dan membina, juga suke membaca mengenai politik namun politik, i mean those with dirty play has always been so nonsense and annoying so selalu mendatangkan kemenyampahan, tmbh2 lg didnt really have much time to spend on the news. so lately terasa agak isolated dgn perkembangan dunia semasa.

suka mendengar kalam2 prof madya Dr Muhaya for shes always being so optimistic and her words most of the time are positive dan motivating, not to mention shes a specialist cum motivator. currently resuming reading dale carnegie's book- how to enjoy your life and your job, not that big n thick but still i didnt manage to finish it within a year. ok i bought it last year. there are series of dale carnegie's book. knowing that I'm reading carnegie's book, a friend suggests me to read 'how to win friends and influence people', telling that its a good book with some tips to be more effective while communicating, hence beneficial enough for a doctor and doc-to-be in capturing patient's attention. it's important to make a patient fell comfortable with you hence making case clerking a lot easier and patient isnt reluctant to make regular visits n come

Saturday, October 30, 2010

bernaunglah di bawah yang satu.

Jauh di sebuah perantauan, xramai orang Melayu di situ, hanya sekitar 12 org. lalu mereka sangat teruja kerana menemui makhluk y kelihatannya spesies antara satu sama lain-eat the same meal, speak the same languange, talk the same issue about their beloved country despite having different thought of ideas in the certain field.they enjoy sharing what they have in common despite the differences present among them.

jauh di sebuah perantauan yang lain, kelihatannnya ramai Melayu di situ, mereka menemui ramai makhluk y kelihatannya sama spesies dgn mereka, mencecah ribu agaknya, di mana-mana sahaja akan ketemu dgn individu that speak the same mother tongue. lalu mereka tidak heran dgn spesies2 yang sama y ramai ini, kerana mereka boleh berjumpa dgn makhluk2 sespesies di mana-mana sahaja. lalu mereka kurang merasai nikmat sense of belonging toward each other. lalu mereka kurang meraikan persamaan y wujud antara mereka, kerana mereka ada the other group that they can turn to, lalu juga mereka y talk the same languange, eat the same food,talk teh same issue ini kurang berusaha utk bersama-sama mewujudkan satu titik persamaan antara mereka. mereka juga tidak lagi menghargai the fact that they are from the same country, speak the same languange, eat the same food n talk the same issue about their country. mereka membahagi2 antara mereka kepada beberapa kelompok, lalu those from the same country that speak the same languange y tidak berada di dalam kelompok mane2 secara langsung dan tidak langsung terabai. Mereka y terabai berkata "Kenapa kamu mengabaikan saya?sedangkan saya speak the same languange as all of u do. kenapa kamu berkelompok antara kamu kamu dan kamu, sedangkan saya juga come from the country u are from. saya tau saya tidak berada dalam kelompok kamu kamu dan kamu, tapi siapa y akan tolong saya"

those that come from the same country, speak the same languange, eat the same nasik lemak, speak the same issue, bernaunglah di bawah yang satu.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

purpose of life

sometimes we cant help whining abouttension. walking back home after class through the minutes of dry dust within the air, n climbing the stairs up to 5th floor, putting the bag down, take a rest, then fallen asleep. oh penatnye. what's the purpose of doing things we currently do?

let's tajdid our niat

Monday, September 27, 2010

ok, lepas ni semua org kene attend BTN

i can still recall the moment we attended the BTN course, after completing A-levels exam, which is made compulsory for those who're going to fly abroad. upon completion of the course, i bet every single participant had a strong spirit of nationalism, to appreciate the country even more, and any intention made for the course is achieved.

ust azam y mengajarkan kami hadis di masjid hidayah, bertanya' Macamane, rs semangat patriotik x?' "mesti ust~, semangat nih, cinta kan negara!" star

salah satu daripada slot y dibentangkan dalam BTN tersebut adalah, when there's some kind of news comes to reach u, dun easily get indulged into the news, but to verify the truthfulness and validity of the news, hence u ought to be doing homeworks on that certain matter, & to investigate whether the news/story is true enough for you to believe.

teringat kisah imam syafie y sedang menaiki unta, lalu datang seorang sahabat bertanya beliau, unta mempunyai berapa kaki? sedangkan tunggangan y sedang dinaikinya adalah unta, boleh sahaja beliau terus menjawab " 4 ".. namun tetap beliau turun dan membilang kaki unta tersebut.

sesuatu y pada akal fikirannya amat mudah untuk dijawab, tetapi tetap beliau berusaha untuk memastikan apa y beliau kemukakan adalah sebenar2 perkara, tidak sesuatu y akan mengelirukan orang ramai.

berbalik pd BTN td, penghulu kami pd masa itu membawakan beberapa kisah ( sorry i cant recall) agar anak2 muda di hadapannya lebih kritis, dan lebih berdikari, dan lebih terbuka fikirannya, lebih matang, dan tidak berada di bawah tempurung. saya suka slot tersebut. saya juga pasti, the other participants pun suka. kenapa? kerana kami bukan 'pak turut', bila dikatakan A, turut sama menyebut A, bila dikata B, terus dikata B, kami juga bukan burung kakak tua, apa y diajar, hanya itulah y diulang2. kerana kami ini anak2 muda yang tahu, bila perlu disebut A, dan bile perlu disebut B.

agaknya, semua rakyat Malaysia perlu dihantar untuk menghadiri BTN. kerana ada sesetengah pihak y tidak mempunyai kemahiran menafsir, meneliti, dan menimbangtara sesuatu berita dan cerita. jangan kita mudah untuk terus mempercayai berita dan cerita dari hanya satu pihak. get both versions of stories so that u wont be lied upon, and easily be manipulated for one's sake. dun be a puppet, get yourself out of it.

marilah sama2 kita membebaskan diri kita daripada belenggu misteri. off it away, let the truth leads your day. selidiklah berita2 y sampai ke telinga, letak filter encem

Friday, September 24, 2010

to some, the older doesnt seem the wiser

saya tidak suka untuk mengkecoh2kan keadaantakbole, ataupun menceritakan the whole event sequelly. ada seorang sahabat berkata: 'kpipah, buat la artikel pasal ni.' why should i? bukan tidak mahu, (tp mmg xmahu pun) tp bg sy, when we want to write or say something, write something good,or say something that can benefit others, otherwise dont do it. mula2 mmg tidak mahu utk berkata, tp agaknye masa sekarang tgh lapang sgt, so here it goes.

saya tidak marah, tidak juga kalut memikirkan pasal y berlaku, namun kesal dgn pihak y berkaitan.for me, apa y berlaku juga sebenarnye hanyalah kekalutan y kecil. y lebih dikesalkan dlm masalah ini adalah berkaitan dgn sikap. tiada sikap utk saling bekerjasama, malah menafikan hak tuan rumah. org kate, hormat pd y tua, sayangi pd y muda, tp sekiranya y tua xdapat nk sayangi pd y muda, macam mana y muda harus menghormati y tua?y tua haruslah tunjukkan contoh y baik. biarlah, kami langsung tiada kepentingan y dpt membuahkan keuntungan, apatah lg mengharapkan ganjaran. hanya sekadar ingin membantu. this reminds me a line in the Dale Carnegie's book 'How to enjoy yr Life n yr job', which goes ' between stimulus n response, there is a space where we can choose how to response'.

kata allahyarham p.ramlee " cobaaaannnn~" adus

i thought that the older people are, the wiser they would be, but today it proved it is not that way most of the time. coz we people make mistakes. and the higher degree one holds, doesnt mean the wiser one is. attitude, akhlak, are wat most people look at on us.

i guess, lets divert the attention to wat we can contribute rather than to focus on the ongoing prob faced. masalah takkan sudah mendatang, we dont have much time to spend on those craps; we have other responsibilties to focus on. let's do wat we capable of doing. let those craps aside. bukan tidak mahu menyelesaikan masalah, tetapi, air mengambil y masa y cukup lame utk meninggalkan kesan ke atas sebiji batu besar y keras, apatah lg kita y tidak punya apa2.


(org y tidak berkenaan tidak akan memahami wat the above is actually telling aboutbising)

Monday, September 20, 2010


ini adalah sebuah entry melepaskan batuk di tangga.

Alhamdulillah..summer break y lepas sempat pulang menjengah keluarga y sudah lame tidak ketemuan (a year seems so long lately), alhmdulillah juga kedua ibu bapa sehat cergas cerdas encem mungkin kerana when i went back the previous year, mother seemed so unwell and looked unfit enough to do chores, enough to make her daughter seeing her in a way that u can pull a sigh of relief, it is the greatestestest pleasure cium ayah as usual, being active in his way, is always healthy, an attribution to his good food intake. alhmdulillah for everything.

sempat juga saya membuat 'attachment' di Hospital Kota Bharu a.k.a Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II in the O&G department, an experience that gave enough insight on how was the working condition in local hospital particularly in O&G dept.

nothing much could i tell right now except we're just starting back our class after a mere break. this semester will mainly be about neurology (not again!) & a bit of psychiatry which so far is not my sort of interest. to be in clinical years, you couldnt ask no more for a long 3months break as u used to be having during the pre-clinical years. less time with the family at home, more time in the hospital, more time in the lectures, more time in discussion.

its 1146pm. im now urging myself on a healthy sleep schedule which before was a total ruin(as for me). trying to be having a sleep early n wake up early routine. so now i have to sleep lah. doa for me lah. i'll write another day lah. byebye lah! babai

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

preparation for housemanship

berikut adalah reply from a lecturer doctor after a friend of mine asking him for advices before getting into housemanship. may u benefit something from this


Masa saya kat USM dulu (9 years ago), Prof. Norhayati (Pathologist) pernah bagitau "you need only 20% of your knowledge to survive housemanship". Huhu..macam tak percayakan. Punya susah study nak gi final exam, 20% je nak guna masa kerja. Actually, that is true...absolutely true. So how about the rest (lagi 80%) tu ??? Discipline, attitude, common sense, sincererity....
Masa HO, kita adalah front runners. Semua patient masuk ward kita kena attend dulu. Dalam erti kata lain, ilmu yg paling penting masa HOadalah acute medicine (bukan emergency medicine tau..). Bukan semua yg belajar sepanjang course 5 tahun tu adalah acute medicine. Pastikan ingat management untuk common diseases for each posting. Sebagai contoh, dalam internal medicine, selalunya patient masuk ward sebab IHD, COAD/Asthma, Hypertension, Uncontrolled Glucose, Stroke dan RenalFailure. Yg lain lain tu ada jugak, tapi jarang la. MO dan Specialist selalunya anticipate yg HO mesti tau manage common diseases acutely. Contohnya, kalau patient masuk ward sebab AECOAD, lepas clerk, MO selalunya anticipate HO akan order basic investigations (ABG, CXR, ECG, other related blood investigations), start patient on some nebulizer medications, put patient at acute bed and then inform MO on call. Nampak simplekan...tapi ramai HO lupa. So, nasihat saya, buat sedikit light revision on management about common diseases especially how to approach them acutely.

First day HO selalunya the worst. Transition between student to worker mindset usually takes time. How long???? Bergantung pada individu. Selalunya selepas 2 minggu, kita akan biasa dengan persekitaran - make sure kenal dengan org yg akan bekerja rapat dgn kita - contohnya
specialists, MOs, staff nurses. mesti ingat, masa first day kerja, you are already a doctor...therefore you got certain responsibilites to fulfill. Jgn risau pasal ilmu yg dah lupa...memang penyakit ilmu, kalau tak amal, ilmu akan hilang. Inshaallah, bila dah start kerja,
ilmu yg dah pernah belajar dulu akan dtg kembali, cuma on and off kena buat revision sikit. Satu lagi, learn about your superiors (Specialists and MOs) - apa yg diorang suka dan tak suka. Like it or not, workplace politics are, you must know how to deal with it.

So kesimpulannya mudah. Bila masuk kerja, ada beberapa perkara yg Specialist dan MO anticipate: 1. Able to respond appropiately - dahulukan mana yg penting 2. Able to clerk and come to diagnosis especially common diseases / problems 3. Able to do/send appropriate investigations 4. Able to order/perform basic management (yg advance tu let the MO/Specialist think about it hehe..) 5. Able to decide which patient need to inform first..kalau 20 patient masuk, takkan nak inform semua at one shot..betul tak? The rest....berserah dan do'a banyak pada Allah supaya kita dan pesakit terpelihara. Bukankah Allah telah berjanji sekiranya kita hampir padaNya, maka Dia juga akan hampir dengan kita. HO adalah masa yg amat mencabar - segala galanya tercabar especially kesabaran. Jadi, sabarlah banyak banyak.

Saya tak de petua...cuma prinsip saya tangani setiap masalah dlm hidup ni satu per satu. Masalah tetap akan ada...cuma bezanya macam mana kita nak handle. Sama mcm HO jugak, mana yg penting, kita dahulukan, yg lain tu, kita selesaikan kemudian. Dengan cara mcm ni, hati pun tak serabut.

Lastly, hadapi HO dengan hati yg terbuka. Anggaplah apa yg berlaku semasa HO akan membawa kebaikan untuk diri kita dan pesakit pada masa hadapan. Dan mesti ingat, kita dikelilingi oleh manusia jadi janganlah terlalu terbeban dengan perangai manusia yg pelbagai.

kita tak boleh nak puaskan hati semua org, jadi buatlah yg terbaik...insya Allah, Allah akan memberikan ganjaran yg selayaknya. Get to know about other people around you...mcm Sun Tzu tulis dlm Art of War "kenali musuh anda, anda sudah menang separuh peperangan". Bukanlah nak suruh gi perang, tapi pengajarannya kenali org lain, kita dah mendapat separuh apa yg kita harapkan. Housemanship is all about people and relationship, jadi jagalah kedua duanya. Anggaplah housemanship sebagai platform untuk kita jadi doktor yg lebih baik pada masa hadapan. Dan jgn lupa, document every single thing dalam patient's case note. It will saves you..believe me. Lastly, saya doakan yg terbaik buat Dayah dan Tini. Lepas habis Houseman, boleh mula fikir nak buat master, terus cari ilmu dan jangan berhenti. Banyak ilmu kat luar sana untuk kita terokai dan jadi pakar perubatan Islam yg menepati Sunnah.



Thursday, July 1, 2010

current condition is really in accordance to Laplace Law, which indicates that the tension of the myocardium is proportional to the intraventricular pressure (P) times the radius of the ventricular chamber.

the radius of things to cover up is too a lot that the stress starts to increase in gradual manner. currently its summer in egypt, plus those juniors have massively started to go back hence wat i have in mind follow them boarding the plane, leaving the mind unattended with only the body stayed back, plus havent bought my ticket, plus 'oh bestnye kalau ade kt umah' kind of thought, plus uhuk2, plus ehek2, oh tensen2..

the best thing to be done when the tense builds up- makan!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


in TGA (transposition of great arteries), the aorta arises from the right ventricle and pulmonary artery from the left ventricle (normally it's the other way round). consequently there are separate systemic n pulmonary circulation- no communication btwn the two.

that's what one of our little patients suffered from. hence the patient had been cyanotic, n hypoxic. hypoxic state leads to increase production of red blood cell by the bone marrow, thus leads polycythemia(increase in the number of red cells in the blood above the normal value) by which this condition predispose the 3yr olds kid to thrombosis. occasionally he developed convulsion.

to avoid the polycythemia state, his blood was drawn out for about 100cc, which is not a small amount to be drawn from the small vein at once, when u do it drop by drop. so u can expect how the kid whining n nagging aroud, with both hands were punctured n became swollen,n at the same, he's also under oxygen n saline infusion . he's positive for clubbing, explaining the long-standing condition. sometimes he resisted all the intervention, trying to wake up, up to the extent that he became tired of nagging n pushing things away hence fallen asleep.

whose heart can stand looking at the sufferings the lil kid had to bear?i cant help the tears to dwell over but trying to resist it. coudnt stand to see how the kid suffered, hence coming up with the decision- paeds is so not gonna be my major of interest in future. otherwise i'll end up crying before the lil kids seeing them had too much to suffer.

Monday, May 10, 2010

there was a link passed to the folks around, this it is

Why we left and why we will continue to leave...

my comments:
-any where but not singapore or any U* besties. why? go read news n issues la. WWW got all the answers.
today we're having a round at specialised clinics, in endocrinology unit to be exact.

somewhere in 1989, use of MRI as routine in the investigation wasnt yet established here in egypt. any indication for MRI must be well n strictly defined by the particular doctor as the cost for that imaging is high. there're 4 cases in consideration for MRI. but as for the high cost, only few selected cases were allowed n this particular doctor was asked to choose only 2 cases with the most possible positive result to go for the imaging. but he insisted on having all four cases counted in, eventhough the cost for the other 2 cases wont be supported by the hospital but at his own risk. but having to know that wat he did was right, he stuck to his decision.

the result of MRI came out, and all four cases were positive for brain tumor. all the four cases were managed accordingly after then. since then, MRI had been a routine. inspiring though.

"if u know what you are doing is right, then fight for it " -Dr Asyraf, professor of Paediatrics (Endocrinology unit)

Monday, May 3, 2010's 12.41am and i shud be sleeping by now, otherwise im gonna ruin the whole next day.actually wanna write something dedicated to a friend but cant stand the dizziness.
2. we're having o&g round exam on thursday, shud be making it.rabbina yenaggahna ;)
3. .... sambung esok la. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, April 25, 2010

L.E. For Gaza

it's not a mere donation,but a lifelong your part to build Palestin. rugi besar pada yang lepas tangan

Friday, April 23, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

3 to 2

KUALA KUBU BARU: The compulsory service period for medical practitioners has been reduced from three years to two years with immediate effect, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

He said this was in accordance with the longer internship training from one year to two years.

“The move to shorten the compulsory service would encourage doctors to remain in the country,” he said, adding that it would indirectly discourage a brain drain.

Liow also announced that Malay­sian doctors working overseas and who had pursued their studies abroad at their own expense were exempted from compulsory service.

“However, they must have documented clinical experience of more than 10 years,” he said at the launch of a healthy lifestyle campaign here yesterday.

Previously, Liow had announced that doctors above 45 years would get total exemption.

For those below 45 years, exemption will be given if they possess a rare sub-specialty as determined by a committee on exemption of compulsory service or if they had served in public or private universities or military hospitals for a continuous period of two years.

Liow also announced that an additional building would be built at the Kuala Kubu Baru Hospital dialysis unit.

“We will also add four more dialysis machines for kidney patients here,” he said.

He said there were currently four dialysis machines servicing 18 patients while 17 others were still on the waiting list.

On Influenza A(H1N1), Liow said 11 cluster cases had been confirmed and noted that the disease is still active in Malaysia.

On dengue fever, Liow said Selangor had recorded the highest number of such cases for 2008 and last year.

“In Hulu Selangor, there were 1,069 cases in 2008, 642 last year and 68 cases until
April this year,” he said.

reference: the star

Saturday, April 17, 2010

sgt mengharukan

today met 2 cases of IUFD (intra-uterine fetal death).

history taking of the first pt, aged 27, she's well-informed about the death since 5 days ago, after finding that there's no movement of the baby. further investigations confirmed the diagnosis. now in a process to terminate the baby.

2nd patient just bumped into US room when we're having the discussion.the patient was here for the 1st booking US, and the doc did the scan for her, but findings suggested fetal death. so they had to wait for the husband to break the bad news.

sometimes thing favorable to us is not the best for us,n God knows better.
selamat berusaha lg ye akak2 semua ;)


cant help being so touched by the story of Christian the lion, being so compassionate towards those surrounding him for some good couple of being portrayed in some of the videos.. ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the last entry dated feb 15 (oh nice date :P), and it's now apr 7.. impressive :p. have nothing much in mind except for all those stacks of books to read upon(tp xbace2 pun :P) with daily excessive waste of time relative to the time spent on books. long duration of current posting with much serious commitment needed with only a day off per week sometimes will just leave your to-do list unfulfilled. so my apology for any misleading.

its quite tense-up these few days with all the issues, but it's just not my interest to comment upon the situation.

bak kata miriam azizi, let's make reading a habit! :P

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sesungguhnya rahmat Allah itu luas.

Lalu janganlah kita sempitkan. Masih terngiang di ingatan kata2 ust azam in one of the ta3lim semasa sy berada di s18, shah alam.truely sy sgt menghormati ust, more than *ehem*. Mcmana cara kita sempitkan rahmat Allah?

Apabila kita melihat org tidak bertudung, lalu menghukumnya 'ni mmg sah2 xmasuk syurga ni' and instead we shud be saying "semoga terbuka pintu hatinya utk menerima hidayah Allah"

Apabila kita melihat orang melanggar perintah Allah, atau tidak menuruti perintah-Nya, doakanlah agar dibukakan pintu hatinya, thats better rather than accusing and assuming how bad one is. we never know what Allah has fated for him, neither what He has led us to.

Instead of melontarkan kata2 pedas yang mengguriskan ego orang yg ditegur, mungkin lebih baik sekiranya lebih berbudi bahasa dalam berkata2; mungkin y ditegur lebih dpt menerima teguran.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

i've been looking for chance to write about this- smoking, coz ive been surrounded by people who heavily smoke; some juniors, n own colleague. juge termasuklah pakcik2 supir teksi di sini- ah, sungguh annoying when you smokers puff the smoke out and those surround u have no other way than to suck up those nicotine-containing substances turning us the non-smokers into the smokers as well, in the passive way. dammit.

oh, sebenarnye the entry isnt intended to marah2 or whatsoever, but to symphatize those heavy smoker. if im not mistaken, a colleague of mine did a topic regarding this smoking thingy for his SSC.serve him well. shoud be sharing i.e publish it or else, the extensive informations to others as well.many will benefit for sure.

to be frank, it saddens me when there are people in the circle of my contacts smoke; juniors, friends etc. cause i know that's the stupidest *sorry* habit u did for you. i know they know the harm, i know they know what bad smoking can do for them but yet..(malas nk sambung) lebih2 lagi to those studying medicine, it has been hell lot of pathological concerns smoking can lead to and cause. Buerger's disease, lung cancer, dan bermacam2 lg la saye pun malas nk eleborate more.

i used to ask them about the habit-when did they start, how frequent they smoke, etc. kasihan bile ada yang dah cube utk berhenti, and yes they did it but then cudnt help starting it again. doakan mereka agar mereka berjaya dgn usaha tersebut. for all those i talked to regarding this, i'll bring out the story of my cousin, where the husband died of lung cancer in his early 30s when my cousin was pregnant her 2nd child. ish, x ke naya kalau jd camtu?heh.

pardon the's getting sucker by day

Nouman Ali Khan

it had been a few days of holiday, but it seemed time moved too fast,and there're always things to be done, there're always chores to be settled.

currently was unintentionally introduced by some preaches from Nouman Ali Khan; simple way of preaching yet very effective. credits to a friend that sharing the video in the fbook.

happy listening!

ma, mau kawen ngn org mcm die bole?

Friday, January 15, 2010

hehe. rasa cam awkward pulak utk men'start' kalam blog sebab cam dah bertahun x update padahal xsampai pun 2 bulan. whateverla. eventhough skang ni dalam fatrah sibuk nk bergelumang dengan exam, tp rasa gak nk mengupdate.

sebentar td sempat menyaksikan rakaman video aqiqah seorang classmate mase kt maahad y lebih senior dr saya.*ehem* baru saja melahirkan seorang baby lelaki y semestinya comel, ala semua baby pun comel. baby2 arab ni lebih2 lg la comel..dengan putih comel nye etc..lg comel bile dgr y keciknye bercakap arab, alahai kawaiii sungguh, tp bila dah besar sume pun penuh berjambang dan sangat xmatang,cakap dgn geng2 macam nak terkeluar anak tekak eventhough orang y die cakap just a few inches depan muke etc. er sambung.

rasa terharu apabila memerhati dan mendengarkan bait2 doa y dibacakan seorang ustaz untuk anak tersebut. mohamad al-fatih namanya, yang diharapkan akan sehebat sultan muhammad al-fateh agaknya. semua ibu bapa pun akan mengharapkan yang terbaik utk anak mereka.antara maksud doa tersebut ..

"wahai Tuhan kami, kami menamakan anak ini Muhammad Fatih, lindungilah dia dan zuriatnya daripada syaitan,jadikanlah dia taat pada suruhan Tuhannya,dan berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapa nya,penenang jiwa kedua ibu bapanya,berjihad pada jalanMu, jadikanlah dia daripada kalangan hambaMu y soleh, ya ALlah masukkan ke dalam hatinya iman, ihsan,ikhlas dan taqwa,istiqamah, iltizam dan baik akhlak...etc"

panjang lg doanya, xsempat nk translate semua. kalau nk faham belajar la bahasa arab ye :P.

begitu panjang harapan dan doa yang dipanjatkan buat si anak kecil yang masih suci itu. beratnye tanggungjawab seorang ibu dan bapa.bukan setakat melahirkan si anak, malah mendidik anak agar menjadi sebaik2 insan- bagi saya merupakan adalah sebuah tanggungjawab y sangat berat. susah payah etc. ish rasa tidak tertanggung bile difikirkan. semua itu memerlukan ilmu. bila si ibu bapa mendidik anak tanpa ilmu,
kasihan si anak, tidak mendapat hak parenting dr ibu bapa dgn sebaiknya.dan tiadalah sebaik2 ilmu melainkan dari kalamNya.

berat sebenarnya tugasan mendidik anak ni.diharapkan segala2nya dipermudahkan buat sahabat2 yang telah dan sedang menimang cahaya mata. eh dun get it wrong, perjalanan saya masih pjg :P

tahniah buat kak izzati n husband, isA dipermudahkan segala urusan:)

dan doakan kami yang akan menghadapi final semester this coming jan the 23rd, 26th & 27th.semoga dipermudahkan juga:)