Sanah helwah/selamat ulangtahun kelahiran/happy birthday kepada ummi kpd Mohd Afiq, Alia Hannan, Huzaifah & Muhammad Atiqullah. Katenye sweet 32 and alweez gameelah =p hehe. Semoga batalion ke 4 itu bertambah kapasitinya =P.dan smlm katenye mereka makan satay kajang demi meraikan kematangan ummi mereka..hehe

Dalam mempraktikkan DIY iaitu menformatkan laptop sendiri =p I get myself a windows cd from taqi. In case of anything happen in future then I decided to make a copy of that windows cd, n ended up doing it the wrong way.instead of copying the cd, I happened to BURN the cd,ya3ni I made a copy of cd, creating a new folder consists of the content of the cd in the desktop first and then using Nero I started to BURN the cd. The outcome was that I cudnt use the cd in my attempt to reformat my laptop. =( wasting my 1genih! Asking my colleagues randomly and i was told that reason of why the cd cudnt be used in the process was; I used the unbootable cd. But then when I asked taqi, he said it’s because of the wrong procedure I used when burning the cd. Instead of choosing making data dvd, I shud choose to copy the cd, which means to put the windows cd first, choose copy cd part of the Nero,
let nero copy the cd
then insert a brand new cd for it ready to be copied.
That’s the right way to copy that kind of application cd. Arasso? =D
As per request by adek'huhu'..=D
err.dimanakah perlu dimulakan?erm..
utk burn/copy cd, ade 2 cara: samada file tu di 'send to' ke cd drive or kite bleh gune sy xpnah gune nero utk copy cd.bese gune nero bile nk burn dvd aje.
dlm case utk mencopy cd di atas, sbb dah terbese gune nero, make sy applykan cara y bese sy gune utk burn dvd.iaitu..
1.bukak nero.pilih favorites > make data dvd
2.nanti die akan kuar windows utk kite addkan pape2 file ke dalam dvd tersebut.
3.tekan next > burn
proses memburn dvd siap sedia.
tp utk application cd cam cd windows, cara tersebut adalah tidak praktikal.yang mane kalau gune cara tu, cd y y telah diburn tu xkan dpt digunekan dlm proses menformat laptop.make cara y spatutnye digunekan adalah..
1.masukkan cd asal windows.
2.bukak nero.pilih ikon data > pilih copy cd
3.nanti akan kuar satu windows then tekan copy.
4.bile dah siap copy die akan automatically eject cd tersebut and suruh kite masukkan cd kosong
5.then masukkan la cd kosong n tekan la mane2 y patut to proceed.then siap!.bakar pd suhu 180 degree fahrenheit selama 30minit.. =p
p/s >> sy budak tgh belaja.klu salah tlg betulkan.. ;)
sedihnyo, br blajar nok copy cd.
haha..dah tau lame la.cume dah biase buat burn.then in this case to burn the cd is not applicable attempt ook
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