i heard a lot of rumours.i encountered some evidences for that rumours.so it wasnt a typical rumour that spread around me.what the rumors were all about? just let me knew them to myself.not gonna share them in here.
egypt like others say, is home for the many anbiya' as well for Firaun.bear it in mind, FIRAUN.
u can find a lot of makams and masjids (?) here in egypt.
and u can find temples as well.
u can find tafaqquh classes with some syeikhs,
and u can find a place for leisure just like hawaii where all mamat minah salleh gathered with their bikini n shorts sunbathing etc,
in short,u can find everything here...
Our Lord has granted us the brain to think and most important is, He sends us down to be His servant, to obey what He has instructed, and for that He has bestowed us with al-Quran and as-sunnah as guidance in which we will never be lost as long as we hold those two firm.
God has given us immeasureable nikmat,sit and think about it once,try to list them all down,then it'll take hell lot of papers before u can even finish it..and what we give Him in return? being disobey is not good buddy..
may His blessings be upon us, may His hidayah reach us,may His barakah shower us..
the best of u is those being pious to Him..