Saturday, May 30, 2009

Karnival Keluarga dan sebuah pemerhatian

apparently PCM (perubatan cawangan mansurah) has done a lot for its members with all those programmes throughout the years. Long list of programmes but still with the same aim- to allow the members know each other and to strengthen the ukhuwah amongst them. many have known how the number of Malaysian students here in Mansurah are a lot that make it no longer possible for u to know every single one of them. u come and encounter one face, another day u gonna meet the other ones, and the day after tomorrow u gonna see a lot more and eventually forget those of the past. " Macam pernah kujumpa muka ini tapi di mana ya?? " i guess all the seniors used to go tru this.

event by event, programme by programme, day by day, all those we had passed through, but sometimes we missed something in between. I can see the same faces to line up as the committees in such attend the meeting and to see familiar faces show up, almost 90%, i'll say " wow " . the reason might be because " o ya, that fella has a lot of experiences, so we shud elect that fella as the committee " nothing goes wrong with that, but still i dun think that's a good phenomenon. new faces shud be emerged so as to allow everyone to have a fair chance mingle around and gain experience dealing with all those stuff. one day sooner or later u gonna come down and thus dealing with society ( the patients etc ) and being active in the persatuan as u may say are of such ways to enhance and polish your skill. u gonna learn a lot, seriously.

1. new fresh faces should be recruited. ajkt2 Karnival y telah dilantik i would suggest to take alot more new faces to help out for the day. u wont lose anything but to gain more in the days to come

2. adik2/kawan2 y jarang pgg any post dalam ape2 programme boleh kasik name kt pengarah : ikram ishak (thun3) or timb : wan nur fariha (thn 2) kalau berminat nk jadi ajk. saya mewakili mereka mengalu2kan permohonan anda semua. bak kata org, besar tapak tangan, satu mesir saya tadahkan! angkatkening saye serius ni! saya x gurau! betuuulll !!

p/s: sape y design iklan ni ek?? serius lawa! karefuLLL !!

Friday, May 29, 2009

sekarang ini cube untuk renovate 'rumah' namun setelah bertukang2 dgn lama, all those attempts are just not worth it. tidak mampu utk memikat hati. lalu akan berhenti bertukang dan membiarkan rumah dengan design dan template lame. beberapa function dan link telah musnah telah dalam proses bertukang. aduh. penatthun depan la sambung renovate

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


pada satu hari di zaman dahulu kala, sebuah keluarga berborak2 di depan ruang tv selepas makan2, lalu menyentuh topik wang hantaran.. si ayah membebel tentang fonemena wang hantaran, yang semakin menaik, ataupun y (biasa2 tp tetap) tinggi ..

lalu si anak perempuan terakhir mencoleh memberi komen
" (even) anak2 perempuan tokguru pun seribu je duit hantaran "

si ayah membalas "itulah, kalau orang biasa2 buat seperti itu, maka akan dikomen bermacam2, tapi tokguru buat xpe je ( boleh pulak diterima) "

1. kesederhanaan itu adalah hak milik setiap insan. bukankah sebaik2 perkara adalah dgn bersederhana?
2. pada buah fikiran anak perempuan terakhir itu, instead of terus menolak adat masyarakat itu, tokguru tetap meraikan adat masyarakat akan tetapi dengan serendah2 penerimaan. tokguru membenarkan konsert tetapi diasingkan lelaki & perempuan. jalan y ditengah itu dipilih.

"maka hanya itulah pesanku wahai mambang~" [dialog pendekar bujang lapuk. tiada kena mengena dengan hadis atau ayat suci ]

Friday, May 22, 2009

aduhai sweet girl

2-3 hari ni kak ngah asyik sms, menggunakan either tok ayah or ayah cik die punye phone. oh, patut la.ayah cik die balik for the arabic course.

"how are you today? from sweet girl, kakngah"

"i get 4B and 1c.cepat cepat la balik dah rindu ni. i nak inai dan yg bulat warna oren. anas masuk hospital pulak. from beautiful girl ! "

" hari khamis. bring camera too. bye! "

dah lupe lak ape reply saya. phone lak x auto saved sent msgs. kakngah skang darjah 6, bersekolah di sekolah rendah her umi and all her uncles and aunts used to attend, lalu seolah2 meneruskan tradisi kami. bahkan adik bradik kakngah pun bersekolah di situ.

the other day,using her ayah cik's phone

" Assalamualaikum, tgh buat ape tu? from sweet girl. "

tahun ni she's gonna have her upsr. that day when i was home,

" cikpah.mai la rumah kakngoh." "nok wat gapo?" "cikpah mop bilik kakngoh!" gelakguling [beberapa hari sebelum mereka adakan kenduri kesyukuran]

"ma. kakngoh suruh g rumah die mop bilik die " ihikhik lalu cikpah dan tokma hanya tergelak je

oleh kerna kakngah itu dikelilingi adik bradik lelaki sahaja, maka kami adalah geng. cikpah y sebesar gajah ni diangkatnye mcm pertandingan angkat berat (exaggerate), juge cikpah itu selalu digeletek oleh amin si adiknya kakngah lalu kekekek ketawa bile cikpah menjerit. ah, cikpah mmg selalu dibuli gile

dulu saya kurang bersetuju dgn pelaksanaan PPSMI itu ( for whatever reasons i had) tapi apabila melihatkan sedikit keterserlahan or keupayaan kakngah berspeaking English, hati menjadi sedikit cair. lalu bersetuju 30% dengan perlaksanaan itu. tapi masih belum bersetuju 100%. dun ask me to fully agree with the scheme. i have my own reasons.

pen off. dissertation is awaiting (mcm le akan buat pasni setan )

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

saya sgt berpuas hati berjumpa dengan videklips ni. beliau adalah pengarang kitab Fiqh as-Sunnah, iaitu Sayyid Sabiq rahimahullah angel

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

semuanya Dia y punya

kenapa harus membangga diri?

kenapa harus meninggi diri?

kita hanya manusia y xpunya apa2.. semuanya Dia y punya, ye, Dia y punya..
(bukan ahmad albab y punya..)

Friday, May 15, 2009

experiences of others

bak kata Prof Gamal Shiha,

"Learn from the mistakes of others,
You cant live long enough to make them all yourself "

but may i change it to,

"Learn from the experiences of others,
You cant live long enough to make them all yourself "

life is not all about mistakes, it would rather be about experiences of which mistakes are supposed to constitute them . experiences that might be sort of lucks, good deeds, ups and downs, sadness, happiness, lame, etc.

p/s : moga akak kuat. He knows the best fate for you, yet may Him make things easier for u.angel

.may it be.

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road

Oh, how far you are from home

Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

May it be shadows call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

a day to remember

sebentar tadi menemankan seorang kakak kuliah Pengajian Islam, org Melaka, kak Adawiyah utk membuat check up for her Ruptured Sinus of Valsalva di Mustashfa Atfal ( Hospital kanak2) in cardiac section. Nothing much could be done, except for the doc in charge suggesting 2 options of surgery, invasive n non-invasive ones. Experiencing some episodes of collapses, kak Adawiyah brought up her case to hospital and discovered the news on how she suffered the sinus of valsalva aneurysm, congenitally. Hopefully decision-making is gonna be easier for her as she has to decide for either one of the 2 options in the midst of exam period. verily i prolonged my high gratitude to Allah for being granted Alhamdulillah a good condition of health. it's a bliss kan not having to go for any kind of appointments due to any kind sickness@ diseases, and still be granted a chance to call those lil kids,

" afiq tgh buat buat ape? " " afiq tgh makan pauh, ngn alia, awah. cikpah!! minggu depan afiq periksa! "

"cikpah!cikpah balik bile?! " "cikpah balik raya nanti "

" cikpah!! alia ade skolah baru! " "ramai kawan x kt skolah baru? " "ramai! kt skolah baru ramai kawan! kt taska xramai~ "

"cikpah~!! @#$%$%^&*()_ ~!@#$%^& ..." haha tah apebende awah nyanyi xjelas kedengaran, suara lak serak basah,bleh ganti sarah raisudin :P

"syifa 6taun dah. i.t.i.k itik!! "

dan saya tidak mampu utk melenyapkan memori semasa berada dalam round internal medicine, masih terngiang2, masih tergambar2 saat the day where we're being assigned to the ICU, which allocated most of the liver disease patients- hepatic encephalopathy pt made up 2/3 of them. i was assigned to one HE patient, an old man with some disorientation. saya sedikit takut memandangkan patient ini sedikit disoriented & vulnerable ( patient tersebut diikat tangannya pd katil, mulutnya sedikit berbuih, mumble, kulit kuning teruk disebabkan jaundice ) terkadang dia cube utk turun dari katil, saya cuak! lantas memanggil nurse. belum dapat membiasakan diri dengan patient semacam ini.

saya sayu melihat patient ini, terutama apabila dia mengerang dan memanggil beberapa nama. rupa2nya bile diteliti pada report sheets patient tersebut, nama y dipanggil itu adalah anak2 dia,
" hisyam~ nabeela~ hisyam~ " dua nama tersebut sering diulang2.. sayu.hiba. hati cam menangis melihat patient tersebut, kesian sangat. seorang ayah y memanggil nama anak2 utk bersama ketika saat sakitnya, biarpun keadaan pada ketika itu disoriented ( xtau nk translate disorientation dlm BM ape.T_T ) namun masih mampu mengingati bahawa dia masih punya beberapa org anak utk mengharap kasih belas dan perhatian. seumpama anak2 kecil yang menginginkan ibu bapa utk bermanja, begitulah juga orang tua tersebut. lantas xdapat tidak akan teringatkan ibu bapa di rumah. no words to describe how pathetic the condition is when no child is around the moment the parents are in the doomy state.

pengalaman tersebut kdg2 menjelma dalam ingatan, mengingatkan diri dengan bermacam2 bende. semoga Allah memelihara ibu bapa kita dalam sebaik2 keadaan.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Run time error?

ade sape2 tau x kenape Run time error ni bleh jadi?
klik for larger image sankiu!

kerna berlaku nya error ini lantas saya xdapat membuat call out. lantas take a toll on me. lantas sekian dan sekian..

Saturday, May 9, 2009

i wanna go home, let me go home

neither a big fan nor ardent follower of harry porter i am

tetibe sy cam jadi minat same literature English after watching William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet some days ago *whoa*

sometimes blogging is like diarrhoea, it's better to pass it all out- more relieving and healing, rather than to bear it or to take anti-diarrhoea which might lead to further infection but to take oral rehydration salt is advisable. =p

Friday, May 8, 2009

real belasungkawa or another hearsay?

we used to be getting a news on Cikgu Hartini passed away after getting involved in a car accident, and the news was spread through our batch ygroups. then suddenly emerged one girl made a clarification on how Cikgu Hartini was still alive leading a normal life. quite a shock, rasa cam berita mati hidup semula.

and now, another belasungkawa was on the air, that CIkgu Zainon died due to ovarian cancer, thus made me think " is this another lame rumours? " cant believe the news at instance. but the great junior informed that the news was passed by her member in Msia, so hesitately i believed.

cikgu Zainon was our former BM teacher and also guru bilik kokurikulum, the one that i will always encounter when lepak2 kt bilik kurikulum as the editorial room was barely beside the room. so agak selalu lepak2 di situ. cikgu plak jenis otai2, so easily get mixed with her students.huhu

should be there anyone can make a fair clarification please do so. it'll be much welcomed.

either ways pun, many thanks for all the teachers that had taught us all those academics and life stuff. as what Prophet has narrated that benificial knowledges are among those things that will be continously merited.

* the news was true enough. a clarification was made officially in AMAL ygroups. al-Fatihah buat cikgu. cikgu passed away and it's Friday today. :)

am i so speeding in my words? yes! this coming may 12th theres gonna be a mid term exam! wah!! surgery + internal medicine made up those 9 cases! doakan!doakan! sy a lil cuak!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

from India with love

menerima kunjungan sahabat2 lama, Nade n Farhanah y sudah 4tahun tidak ketemuan..rindu! all the way from india, mangalore to be exact., they came on wednesday 29 and went back on the may 4th..ini adalah kes extended cuti, heh. cuti y real just 2hari tp jadi sampai 4-5 hari. korg mmg cool. ^^, nampaknye stok kain sari dah bertambah jadi 3. 2 helai dapat masa Mus & husband came over that day, + 1 helai dr mereka. tah sempat ke x nk buat time balik nanti. ^_^

bagi 3ammu(pakcik) ini tidur di atas luggage shelf itu lebih selesa berbanding tidor di atas kerusi train tersebut.
pict courtesy from farhanah fuad y takjub melihat unexpected scenery tersebut

o yee, skang ni tgh induction for urology n nephrology round, y mane dept nye sangat cantik and hospital nye umpama private hospital kt msia! n i would dare to say that this is the most sophisticated n the best hospital in egypt. it's like a whole new world when u get into the dept + its hospital. umpama Alice in the wonderland,ataupun umpama masuk alam bunian.haha. would u mind to take a round? u'll be surprised to the max. but still, y paling penting adalah what we can get from the round itself. doc sume sgt supporting and sporting i would say. lucky then.