Thursday, May 3, 2007

tear-dropping vid

lagu/vid y cukup menghibakan.menyentuh perasaan.sadis.sayu.lbih2 lg buat y jauh dr mata kedua ibubapa.*sob*


NuRHuMYRa MukhTaR said...

salam alayki ya afifah

memang tear-dropping vid...

rasa nak terbang balik jenguk mak ayah sekarang jugak.

Ya Allah ampun dan cintailah Mak dan Ayah kami ...

Afifah, saya nak cari macam mana ye vid ni? tolong ajar saya, boleh? *search tajuk ape?*



~humaira mukhtar~

afifah.ahmad said...

salam alayk jua kak humayra mukhtar (",)

kalau akk nk carik video nih kt youtube bleh simply klik on video tu then akk will be directed to the same video kt youtube, n kat sane byk lg video2 y available..ataupun lg satu cara akk bleh g ke then search for "anak soleh" n nanti akan ade byk choices available.:D

kak humaira dr mane ye?selamat berkenal2an..menghubungkan silaturrahim..insyA.v^_^v


SoothSayer said...

There are many worlds,but they share the same sky...
No matter how far we are, our hearts are long as you remember your nation though...

afifah.ahmad said...

aiwah..sahh keyda! [betul.mmg sah gitu] (",)v

afifah.ahmad said...

yang lebih penting adalah mengingati bhwa kite sume adalah saudara sesama muslim. selagimna we hv the nation-minded,still there's a restriction in it,but instead the ummah-minded will do much better.we're connected by sharing the common believeness to the Almighty God.being ummah minded though..(",)