Sunday, March 11, 2007

mari belajar yoga~

hehe..mari belajar yoga


SoothSayer said...

Very ineteresting,indeed.
But i prefer praying as my sole yoga.
The breathing ang movement done during prayer is just as enough as practicing yoga.If it isn't enough, well,just add the non-obligatory one.;)

afifah.ahmad said...

yap.if u really appreciate the praying then it's one kind of yoga tough~ natural yoga..feel the calm in it..the mechanism is just the same,this yoga n praying~

afifah.ahmad said...

nway,ape2 y jahat kalau ditinggalkan dcatatkan pahala insyAallah,n ape2 pkara baik2 y dilakukan dicatatkan pahala jua,..segala y baik adalah ibadah.konsep ibadah itu luas actually.betulkan kalau songsang

SoothSayer said...

I see.
Well, perhaps you are right.
Even the prophet tell us not to neglect other sports eventhough that some people may think that praying is the best sports, as long as it is harmful,it's okay,I think. ;)

afifah.ahmad said...

;) sesungguhnya muzakarah/perbincangan/discussion itu meningkatkan thaqafah :D dan khilaf itu sdiri merupakan satu rahmat kpd org2 y beriman..:)

afifah.ahmad said...

soothsayer dr mane ye?bukankah manusia dijadikan berpuak2 utk saling berkenalan? hehe (applicable in case u r a girl ONLY,hehe)otherwise ignore this reply :)

SoothSayer said...

Alas,i'm afraid that I must decline such generous offer for I'm a boy, or perhaps matured enough to be called MAN.;)

afifah.ahmad said...

oh..ok.."sesungguhnya manusia itu dlm kerugian.melainkan y beriman dan beramal soleh.dan y berpsan2 dlm kebenaran dan berpesan dgn kesabaran"