Monday, February 27, 2006

free islamic books!

utk sesape yg nak islamic books for freee,here goes the message from Conveying Islamic Message Society berpusat kat Alexandria,Egypt. i had requested some books n they sent me those books.just simply send them ur name.address n books that u want.dat's it.n u got it!

How are you? And how are the Muslims in your country?We would like to tell you a brief note about Conveying Islamic Message Society (CIMS). Conveying Islamic Message Society (CIMS) is an Islamic society that cares about the situation of Muslims in the world and that tries to help them to know more about Islam by sending free Islamic books(with no costs at all) in many languages, answering questions, Also it tries to tell non-Muslims about Islam and its message, so that they may embrace Islam.
So if you want some free Islamic books, just send an Email on
send us a letter to our address, that is:
Conveying Islamic Message Society (CIMS)
P.O. Box 834 – Alexandria – Egypt
Also you can visit our site that is:
We’ll be very happy if you tell your friends about our society or send addresses of your friends or your relatives who need Islamic books, so that we can send the free Islamic books to them.
Finally, we hope to hear good news from you. Keep in touch. May Allah help you and show you the true way, and reward you the greatest merit.
Waiting for your letter (or email) with our best wishes
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã æÑÍãÉ Çááå æÈÑßÇÊå
Your brothers in
Conveying Islamic Message Society
1) Arabic Books :--ÇáÞÑÂä ÇáßÑíã (ãÕÍÝ ÇáÌíÈ ßÇãáÇð).-ÒÈÏÉ ÇáÊÝÇÓíÑ (ÊÝÓíÑ ÝÇÊÍÉ ÇáßÊÇÈ æÓæÑÉ ÇáÈÞÑÉ ãä ÇáÞÑÂä ÇáßÑíã)
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-ÝÞå ÇáãÚÇãáÇÊ.
-ÇáÅÓáÇã æÞÖÇíÇ ÇáÚÕÑ (ÈíÇä ááäÇÓ ãä ÇáÃÒåÑ ÇáÔÑíÝ).
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-ÔÎÕíÉ ÇáãÑÃÉ ÇáãÓáãÉ (ÇáÌÒÁ ÇáËÇäì).
-ÏÚÇÁ áÃãæÇÊäÇ æÃãæÇÊ ÇáãÓáãíä ãä ÇáÞÑÂä æÇáÓäÉ ÇáãØåÑÉ.
2) English Books :- -Surat Al-Fatihah and Surat Al-Baqarah in The Holy Qur’an.
-Surah 19 (Maryam) of The Noble Qur’an
-Part 27, 28 and 29 of The Holy Qur’an.
-Part Thirty of The Holy Qur’an.
-AnNawawi’s Forty Hadiths and AlQudsi Forty Hadiths.
- Hisn Al-Muslim (Fortification of the Muslim through remembrance and supplication from the Qur’an and Sunnah)
-The life History of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.).
-The Religion of Islam (Part 1).
-The Religion of Islam (Part 2).
-Islam. The religion of all.
-Principles of Islam.
-The Muslim’s Belief.
-The Concept of God in Islam.
-Supererogatory prayers.
-Women in Islam (versus Women in Judaeo-Christian Tradition. The Myth & The Reality).
-The most beautiful names of Allah.
-The Truth about Jesus (Pbuh).
- Jesus. Prophet or God?
-Series of Prophecies in the Bible for the Advent of (Pbuh).
-Signs of Prophet hood.
- Stories of New Muslims.
- A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam (Islam & Modern Science).
- Qur’an & Modern Science). Compatible or incompatible?
- Islamic Facts refuting the Allegations against Islam.
In addition to other books and some papers talking about different subjects, like Islam and Christianity, Qadianiah movement …etc.
3) Russian Books :-
1-Surat Al-Fatihah and Part 30 of The Holy Quran.
2-AnNawawi’s 40 Hadiths.
4-Islam. The religion of Truth ..
6-Islamic Faith from Qur’an and Sunnah.
7-Teaching How to pray.
9- azkar alsabah walmasaa .
10-The life History of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.).
and anther new books
4) Uzbaki Books:-
5) Turkmeni Books:-
6) Kazaki Books:-
7)Azri books:-
8)tajeki books:-
9) Pashto books :-
10) Kurdish books:-
11) tatarian books :-
12) Chechnain books:-
13)Persian books :-
14) Czek Books :-
15) Bulgarian books :-
16)Romanian books:-
17)Polish books:-
18)Esperanto books :-
19)Hungarrian books:-
16)Romanian books:-
21)Finnish books:-
22) Swedish Books :
23)Norwegian books :-
24)Danish books :-
25) French Books :-
1 -L'Honoré Coran (Interpretation de quelques Versets).
2-L'Honore` conran (surat AL-Fataha &surat AL Baqarah )
3-AnNawawi 40 Hadiths.
4-L'Islam La Religion de Tous.
5-L’Initation A L’ Islam.
6-Les Piliers de l’Islam.
7-La Vie du Prophète Mohammad (S.A.W).
8-La Citadelle du Musulman (Rappels et Invocation selon Le Coran et La Sunnah).
9 -Riyad AsSalihine.
10 -Le Christianisme. Origine et réalité.
11- les noms d' Allah
12-L'education dans L'Isalm
13-le Sommaire Du Sahih AL-Boukhari
and anther new books
26) German Books :-
1-Der edle Qur’an (Sure Die Eroffnung “Al-Fatihah” und Sure Die Kuh “Al-Baqara”).
2-Kapital 30 des Heiligen Kur’an.
3-Kosmische Verse im Qur’an.
4-Ein kurzer illustrierter Wegweiser um den Islam zu verstehen.
5-Das Glaubensbekenntnis des Islam.
6-Der Islam.
7-Vierzig Heilige Hadite.
8-An-Nawawi Vierzig Hadite.
9-Islam fur Kinder.
10 -Ein Tag mit dem Propheten.
11 -Was die Bibel über Mohammad sagt.
12 -Christus im Islam.
13-Deutsche von Allah Geleitet.
27) Dutch Books :-
28) Spanish Books :-
1-La Parte Treinta del Sagrado Coran.
2-Los cuarenta Hadices Nawawiyah.
3- El Paso Hacia el Paraiso Dichos de Muhammad el Enviado de Dios.
4- Los nombres mas Hermosos de Al-lah.
5-¿Qué es el Islam?
6-Presentation de la religion del Islam.
7- Luces Sobre el Islam.
8- Los Principios del Islam.
9-La Creencia en la Unidad absoluta de Dios.
10- La ense?anza de la oración.
11- El Islam en la Enrucijada.
12-Magnificas Joyas.
13- Cristo en el Islam.
14-Breve Guia Ilustrada para entender el Islam.
And anther new books
29) Portuguese Books:-
30) Bosnian Books :-
31)Serbain books :-
32) Macedonian Books :-
33) Italian Books :-
34) Albanian Books :-
35) Greek Books :-
36) Turkish Books :-
37) Chinese Books:-
38) Eugurian Books:-
39) Japanese Books:-
40) Korean Books :-
41) Tagalog Philippines Books:-
42) Iranonian Philippines Books:-
43) -: ÇááÛÉ ÇáãÑäÇæíÉ
44) Vitnamese books:-
45) ÇááÛÉ ÇáßãÈæÏíå :-
46) ÇááÛÉ ÇáÊÔÇãíÉ :-
47)Thai Books:-
48)Burmi Books:-
49) Indonesian Books:-
50)Malyzain books (Malayo):-
51)Nepali books:-
52) Indain books:-
ÇáãÇáíÈÇÑíÉ (ãÇáÇíÇáã) (53 :-
ÇááÛÉ ÇáÈÑÇåÄíå(54 :-
55) Urdu books:-
56) Tamily Books:-
57) Sinhali Books:-
58) kannada books:-
59)Telgu books:-
60)Kashmiri books:-
61)Bangla books :-
62)Semitic books:-
ÇáÌæÌæÑÇÊíÉ(63 :-
64) Swahili books :-
65) Somali Books:-
66) Ethiopian Books:-
67)Amharic books :-
ÇæÛäÏíå (68 :-
ÇæÑæãíå (69:-
ÇáÝáÇÊå(70 :-
71) Hausa books :-
72) Yoruba Books:-
ÇáßÇãíÑæäíå (73
ÇáÝáÇäíå(74 :-
75) Onko (Bambara) Books:-
ÇäÒãÇ (75 :-
76) Zulu Books:-
77)Afrikaans books:-
ÇáÔíÔíæÇ ( 78 :-
79)Malagasy books :-

1 comment:

free islamic books said...

According to the Quran, people who do good deeds in life will go to heaven, whereas sinners will be sent to hell in the afterlife. I amlooking for free islamic books. Please suggest me from where I can get these books